Friday, November 30, 2012

Rants and Raves


#1) Black Friday Shopping- May I just say Ghetto-Mart, You Suck! Lines were long and your staff had no idea what they were doing!!!

#2) Dear Stupid Oklahoma Drivers,
        Use your Damn blinkers!!! Go the actual speed limit!!! Driving a car is not rocket science. Maybe the reason the driver behind you has road rage is because you never should be allowed on the road.
                          Thank you.
                    Everyone Else



Monday, October 15, 2012

The agenda for this week.

So this week is going to busy as fucking hell. Here's the break down. =)

Today- Work, Midterms in two classes, spending some time with my dad and step mom (seeing as I live with them and never see them...), Finishing two essays for my classes.

Tuesday- More midterms (Yay?), Work, Getting everything I'll need for Wednesday's cake making and Thursday's wedding, Upload the two essays by noon, Yoga class, shave my legs and find my torn tights and jeans and see what I can do to patch them.

Wednesday- Luckily I am off, I have to drive up to small town. take my grandmother to the doctor, bake fill and decorate a wedding cake, Visit with my mom's family, pick up younger siblings from school, and a bachelorette  part (woo! let's get drunk!), making for what we can for the wedding the night before.

Thursday- Go up to avant with cake, set up for the wedding, Touch up cake if needed, hair make up of me bride's maid and bride, Wedding, Pictures, Get smammered..

Friday- sleep.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Week from HELL and it's only tuesday...

So here's what's up so far this week..

Missed my brother's play because I was waiting on a professor to take my paper. Like I walked in as everyone started clapping... =( Sad day.

So I went to go eat dinner with grandma and grandpa because they miss me. And it was a nice dinner aside from the list of reasons I should move back to small town... But it was nice.

I was running low on gas but I figured I could make it to the QT on the highway. I thought this because I have a tendency to run my car down to E. The scary "HOLY SHIT are we gonna make?" part of E. So I think I can make it... I get about halfway there and run flat outta gas. Like car won't move or rev. So I ended up pushing my car into the ditch by myself. Which wasn't really that hard other than I had cranked the wheel too hard and she went into the ditch pretty hard. (Poor Car) So I bundle up, thankful I always have extra jackets in my car. And walk the 3/4 a mile or so to QT. One car stopped but the driver looked like a Creeper so I declined their offer for a ride.
Luckily QT had a loaner can and I walked back to my car. When I have almost made it back to my car, a sweet little old lady stops and tells me she has help coming. I think that in a small town she probably recognized me or my car and call some relative. I get to my car and here come... Not one but TWO cop cars. Which in the long run was a semi-good thing because the gas can was stupidly designed.

Then I had to prove i wasn't drunk.... I wasn't.

Then I headed on my merry way back to Ttown and home... I got pulled over a block from home.........

Then today I have a message from an ex saying he's sorry and ect................

I SO dislike this week and it's only Tuesday...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Update =)

As usual not in chronological order or any real order...

1) I am getting a short story PUBLISHED!!!!!!!! It's through Amazon as an e-book and for free. So when I get a release date I would like everyone to download it even if you don't ever read it.

2)Seeing another guy. He's nice and it's going pretty well. Even though we only see each other and get to talk a few days a week. (But I think my dating issues might like that)

3) I am living in Ttown. It's a big change from Smalltown. But it's great. Always something to do.

4) I'm working in a recording studio and it's the best job I've ever had.

5)I am getting into local music even more ( not because of the job). Look up DDNT, All About A Bubble, Hey! Dollface, and The Ksides.

6)Cut and Dyed my hair. Now it's an almost pixie cut and hot red.

8) Karma is a bitch......

9)I am loving fall. =)

10) Had my dad and stepmom watch Dollhouse and I see the kick Charles got out of having watched it and rewatching it with us.

11) Speaking of Charles, I miss him and his ass.......

12) I'm getting a new tattoo. =) Soon hopefully.

13)I'm teaching four people the magics now..... It's interesting to say the least. =)

Monday, February 27, 2012

These are my friends?!? Of course they are!

****The names of people and places have been changed to protect the innocent and guilty both*****

Wednesday- Me and The Problem Child decided to surprise/ scare Her Matthew when he got off work that night at "Incredible Place" (shortened to IP). This meant we needed a plan....
Here it was.
1)Pick up Our Friends Formerly Known As The Owassos (OFFKATO)
2) Buy fake flowers, A green Monster, and gas at some point.
3)The Problem child was going to write a sickening sweet note.
4) Drive to IP and find Her Matthew's car.
5) Place note and flowers on his car.
6)Hide and wait for him to come, jump out and scare him.
7) Give Her Matthew the Monster to make up for making him have a heart attack.

This was a good and solid plan. But it was us...... This is what really happen...

We (me and the problem child) went and picked up the manly half of OFFKATO and ran around "Green Walls Mart" only to find they did not have flowers of any kinds. So we went to the "Red
 Dot Store" across the street.

Now, everyone knows the "Red Dot Store" has a $1 section as you are coming in. So we stopped and looked. The Problem Child found Easter masks. So she picked up three (A Lamb, A sparkling Bunny, and Duck) and we grabbed the other items we needed from the "Red Dot Store" and went on our way, happily.

So we make it to BA and stop at a "Quick Gas" station for the monster. We ( Me and The Problem Child) grab the Monster while The Manly half of OFFKATO grabs a drinks and walks to where we are.

SMALL WORLD MOMENT- We bump into a friend from college, who mistook me as the other half to OFFKATO. Then remembered who I am and brought up "My Boy" meaning the Jackass who I had a very messy and drawn out break up with.

SO we finally make it to IP and comb the lot for Her Matthew's car. Not once or twice but like four times....
So we being flexible changed the plan. The Problem Child sent him a panicked sounding text and we parked to wait.

....And wait.....

....And wait....

Then we saw him.... parked a few spots from where we had been sitting......

It was a great night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD

Monday, January 30, 2012

From 2011 into 2012- An Update.

Well, lots have happened....

I was prego, but I lost the baby.

I was laid off, so may the epic job search now include me.

I have a new best friend, My Problem Child (Kristin <3). And i love her, we share a brain. We have many epic adventures. Such as being goth fan girls at the Rise Against concert. =) Which as fantastic. And being Hated by God for lying to a Christian.

D&D seems basically to be at the same stand still. Not to say our D&D group has disbanded, but the last few times we hung out we have gone to play pool and drink.. I played DD seeing as I couldn't drink. Driving from Ttown back to our small town with drunk friends=priceless. I am very happy to report no bodily fluids in my car. XD just odd talks even for us.Well, not really...

I busted the headlight outta my car. Which should be fixed soon. No really this time!!!

I am currently watching Supernatural with my youngest brother. We are on season 3 and it's awesome. Not as addicting as Dollhouse but still great. <3

School has started and I'm actually taking a teaching class.

I'm getting back in touch with old friends. Which is amazing.

I have a new god child, Xander, and another on the way. Which makes seven with one on the way, And I swear of anyone hides all the parents at once I will kill him. >.< You know who you are....

I'm loving this weather. Warm yet cool at night. It's like spring in the middle of winter. =-)

I am also sad to say The Tallest Fairy will no longer be joining us here in the Land Of Too Far. As I am apparently too unstable to associated with.... Which is funny because he hadn't talked to me in weeks. But I'm the bad guy... Eh, Screw it.... I'm done. Truly done. If he decides to pull his head outta his ass, good for him. But I do not feel I should put up with this bi-polar friendship anymore. Therefore, I truly wish him luck, just luck elsewhere.