Monday, July 18, 2011

Pray for rain..

So I realize I live in the bible belt. I do. But really A Day of Prayer for Rain?! I'm sorry, I thought there was supposed to be separation of church and state or something... I really think this is Mary's best idea. (NOT!)

I mean, this is Oklahoma, wouldn't make more sense to organize a traditional rain dance of all the Indian Nations?

Never mind, I'm not Christian and slightly offended on a personal level. But to ask the citizens of your state to pray for rain...... Classy, very classy.

Friday, July 15, 2011


So lack of interwebs makes blogging a pain to keep up with.

I finally got a job! XD XD XD Waiting tables at Olive Garden in Owasso. Not the greatest job. But hey it's better than nothing. (I can already hear the new whore jokes)

And we are looking for a new place for D&D... Co-Dm's place has been decided against most likely is not going to work out. So that is a toss up when it will be happening and where now.

I hung out with The Tallest Fairy and I have had a few new adventures. Last night we went to a surprise party for a friend. (Who doesn't hate me like everyone thought. XD) Which was a blast. And we had a horrible  movie night. Dance of the dead- decent B zombie movie.(If you like zombie movies or B horror movies netflicks this) Ticked off tranies with knives- just awful, but was fun to laugh at with The Tallest Fairy.

My Co-Dm sent me into a panic attack when he either hit or kicked the back of my car and yelled while I was backing up. And suddenly I couldn't see him. I thought I had ran him over.... I started hyperventilating and cussing him. He laughed.... >.<  (Of course now I find it funny too.....) This was after running into the Owasso. Which was a nice awkward surprise, I guess.

Also, Marlyn Manson's music is the soundtrack of my life this week. A few songs that stand out are Coma White, (s)aint, This is the new Shit, Tainted Love and of course Sweet Dreams. ( I listen to angry music when I'm happy..... Yes I know it's weird)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Been forever.

Updates not in chronological order.

1) We finished Dollhouse!! The ending is amazing and awful. Like always Joss.... Boyd is a crazy, just an fyi.

2) Jobhunting still sucks.

3) Me and White Russians (the drink) do not mix well.

4) I love the lake and summer.

5)No one uses turn signals in Oklahoma and it pisses me off.

6)Babies like glowsticks.

7) Getting D&d shit together so we can actually play soon. (I should talk to my Co-DM about that I guess...)

8)No interwebs makes me bored and wanna cry.

9)Doctor Who is amazing. (I realize this is an obvious statement)

10)Questionable Content= Great web comic.

11)Phone should be shut off soon. =(

12)Sprinkler hid behind drunken relatives + getting little kids to turn it on= Highlight of the 4th

13)The Tallest Fairy is also now my gay husband.

14)My car has been dubbed Tink.

15) City of Fallen Angels, Acheron, ShadowFever, and Personal Demons all great books.

16)Beastly is a amazing book, but a boring movie.

17)Coffee is fuel. (Yes, I'm running on coffee.)