Monday, May 23, 2011

PB and J Wars

So I was informed recently that I'm not human. All because I don't absolutely adore peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Now, I'm not saying I hate them. I'm just not fanatical about them. I do not see what is so wrong about this. 

 I prefer my peanut butter with honey or bananas. Plus, I'm not big on grape flavored anything. Every once in a great while I will eat peanut butter mixed with some flavor of jelly. But not usually on bread. (which I'll admit is a bit odd) 

I feel as if a person's humanity should not be judged on how they eat their peanut butter. But on something more meaningful (such as actions, beliefs, D&D alignment or some other cliche crap).


  1. Psh Robyn, everyone knows whores aren't human. Keep your mouth shut and then we can talk about your humanity. ^^
    lol xD

    I be stalking you now so enjoy. Also LOL @ actually doing your first post on PB&J

    If you didn't figure it out, this is Charles.

  2. Also your blog hates me, it wont let me fallow it as my blog. Yet i can follow my own blog as my blog O-o. -walks off grumbling-

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