Wednesday, May 25, 2011

GRR... Mini Rant

So, I realize The Land Of Too Far is in the Bible belt. But, I am SO VERY sick of Christians who view themselves as better than non-Christians. Yeah, you go to church every Sunday,SO WHAT?
 I work and pay taxes just like you. I spend time with my loved ones just like you. I laugh, joke, and read (probably very different things but still). I have faith in my beliefs. SO BACK OFF!!!!

 It would be different if you had even a tiny gasp of my religion. But, after they do they little spill about how Wicca is bad and I ask them why, all they can say are things like "it's against the Bible". Okay, a point to you for kinda knowing your holy book. But, A) the Bible says it is not your place to judge (I was Christian for the first fourteen years of my life), B) you know nothing about my beliefs or usually who I am, and C) Bill of freaking rights!!!

So allow me to give you a few pointers on Wicca.
1. I do not worship the devil. (or believe in him or your Hell)
2. I don't just go around casting spells on people. (We believe what you send out comes back threefold.)
3.Harm none= most basic Wiccan rule.

Look, don't push your beliefs on me and I won't smack you.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Robyn! You tell those 'Bible thumpers' what's what! Narrowminders are the worst! Open-mindedness for the win!!!! :D
