Monday, June 13, 2011

So.. It's Been A While...

So, the original D&D group has pretty much played out. Which I have mixed emotions about....
BUT, we (me and my co-DM) are getting our shit together for the other group to be able to start playing soon. XD. Which I'm very excited about. Granted, this group has more experience playing (which totally scares me since they have play more than me.....)

 Also, The Tallest Fairy and I went on an adventure. We braved the roads in the Fairy Wagon-Cruiser (I know not the name we came up with but I couldn't remember it.) And got horribly and badlyish lost. Yet, we were on the right road. (yes, we are just that talented).  This was a week after we (once again The Tallest Fairy and I) were fooled by a football (a grey one) pretending to be an armadillo. We were very disappointed. (we had tried to sneak up on it...)

I am still job hunting.... Which sucks big ones....

But my laptop is fixed!!! Thanks to my co-DM. =)=)=)=) This makes me happy beyond words..

And I found a bunch of my cds.

And in other news we have made it to the second season of DOLLHOUSE!!!!!!! (yes we are still addicts)