Wednesday, June 1, 2011

One Of Those Crazy Perfect Weekends

FRIDAY- Originally was to be spent with Claremore at bonfire. But it was moved to Saturday. So I ended up driving around and catching up with an adopted brother before going to my friend/co-dm's house to watch Dollhouse.
(Side note- If you haven't seen Dollhouse, Watch it! But be warned it's addicting.... Also DAMN YOU CHARLES AND DILLION FOR EVER SHOWING ME THAT STUPID FRIDAY SONG!!!!!)

SATURDAY- Me and my co-dm/friend helped my dad and step-mother move. Granted it was just down the block and around the corner. But it was interesting..... We thought of some D&D ideas for both of our groups. I need to do research on a few things still for one of the ideas.

Then I went to the bonfire with Claremore. XD It was great. Like amazing great. Then I stayed with him.... (three guesses what we did... ;D)

SUNDAY- I had family come in from way way outta town and we had a small family get together. (Granted we counted 73 people, but that's little for us.) At one point, my younger brother jokingly said to his friend "grab the other arm of her chair and we will throw her in the pool." So what do I do? Hand everything in my pockets to the nearest cousin and tell them to go for it. (Looking back I see the flaw in my judgment. You see, My brother and his friend are 16 and about 6 foot tall and both into being fit and muscly) They proceeded to carry me over to the pool while still in the lawn chair and toss me inti the water fully clothed. It was pretty freaking funny, but called for revenge. Luckily, I happened to have a big can of silly string in my car. =)

Later that night, I watched more Dollhouse with my co-dm and another close friend. =) (We have a problem we know. Damn Joss Wheden for his amazing TV shows....) We were really mean to each other but it was great.

MONDAY- Memorial Day is my mother's family reunion. It was great to see all our family and to visit and eat great food. Then a bunch of us gathered at my aunt's house. I was given like four paper bags full of books. =)  (Fay, if you are reading this, Thanks again!)

That evening was spent running around with my co-dm. And of course more Dollhouse. =)


  1. Do you ever sleep without being forced to do so?


  2. @ jason,
    Who sleeps? Sleep is just a government conspiracy to make us docile ..... or some shit. I not so good with making conspiracy theories lol. But really who sleeps, psh. - says the guy who just slept like 10 hours lol-

    Also robyn, ROFL @ the friday comment xD
    i would say i was sorry... but i'm not ^^

    ok 3 guess,
    1)Played hide and seek,
    2)played twister
    3)umm played ... D&D?

    lol xD
    granted i was going for really random guesses, that were obviously wrong, but i don't know twister and hide and seek could be taken kinda wrong ... hell even dnd if you tired hard enough xDDD.

    umm anyways XD

    Also robyn, your a women, there is always a "flaw in your judgment". ^^
    lol someday you really are going to stab me for these jokes xDDDD

    LOL @ all the dollhouse, but it is a great show. Also on the Joss Wheden comment, funnily enough, i just got an email from amazon recommending more joss' work ( like buffy and ect) based on my liking dollhouse and firefly. LOL

  3. Charles, I will stab you one of these days. And when it happens you will be all shocked. -glares-

    And may I point out most knives are kept in the kitchen. Think about that.
