Monday, February 27, 2012

These are my friends?!? Of course they are!

****The names of people and places have been changed to protect the innocent and guilty both*****

Wednesday- Me and The Problem Child decided to surprise/ scare Her Matthew when he got off work that night at "Incredible Place" (shortened to IP). This meant we needed a plan....
Here it was.
1)Pick up Our Friends Formerly Known As The Owassos (OFFKATO)
2) Buy fake flowers, A green Monster, and gas at some point.
3)The Problem child was going to write a sickening sweet note.
4) Drive to IP and find Her Matthew's car.
5) Place note and flowers on his car.
6)Hide and wait for him to come, jump out and scare him.
7) Give Her Matthew the Monster to make up for making him have a heart attack.

This was a good and solid plan. But it was us...... This is what really happen...

We (me and the problem child) went and picked up the manly half of OFFKATO and ran around "Green Walls Mart" only to find they did not have flowers of any kinds. So we went to the "Red
 Dot Store" across the street.

Now, everyone knows the "Red Dot Store" has a $1 section as you are coming in. So we stopped and looked. The Problem Child found Easter masks. So she picked up three (A Lamb, A sparkling Bunny, and Duck) and we grabbed the other items we needed from the "Red Dot Store" and went on our way, happily.

So we make it to BA and stop at a "Quick Gas" station for the monster. We ( Me and The Problem Child) grab the Monster while The Manly half of OFFKATO grabs a drinks and walks to where we are.

SMALL WORLD MOMENT- We bump into a friend from college, who mistook me as the other half to OFFKATO. Then remembered who I am and brought up "My Boy" meaning the Jackass who I had a very messy and drawn out break up with.

SO we finally make it to IP and comb the lot for Her Matthew's car. Not once or twice but like four times....
So we being flexible changed the plan. The Problem Child sent him a panicked sounding text and we parked to wait.

....And wait.....

....And wait....

Then we saw him.... parked a few spots from where we had been sitting......

It was a great night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD