So here's the thing people, if you call into a phonebank and want something fixed you may wanna keep a few things in mind..... Here are some pointers...
A) The person who answers your call is just that a person. So even if you are PISSED try to be nice. They are not the cause of your problem and probably will do everything they can to fix said problem. Calling some who you can see names is just mean and rude. Plus, mane calling just makes you look uneducated. Especially if you make assumptions about their life. I had a caller tell me to quit my job and go to college. For the record, I am going to college. Look, you know nothing about that agent's life. So don't BITCH about their life choices. That's just rude.
B) Don't yell. Most agents are on headsets which makes it pretty impossible for them to pull it away from their ear. Yelling=pain. Just be nice. I don't come to your work and yell at you.